Be on the Internet 24 hours/Day 365 Days/Year for pennies a day!

We will host your site and keep it running for $20/Month -- That's less that $1/Day!


Web Page Design




Home Page

We build ALL home (Main) pages with appropriate titles, and a graphic to represent your business.

[included in yearly hosting fee]

Additional pages

Quality web sites have several pages so that potential customers can click to get to the information they want. Additional pages will be written for $50 each as long as they are part of the same web site. Having additional pages doesn't increase your hosting fee. Many web sites have a combination of the following pages:

  1. Home Page (Required)
  2. Company Information
  3. Contact Information
  4. Request for Information
  5. Products/Services offered
  6. Customer Service
  7. Testimonials and/or jobs completed
  8. Special offers
  9. News (New Products/Services)
  10. Other Links (can be specific to your business)

Choose the number of pages to fit your budget and help your customers. No extra hosting charges for additional pages. 


Editing and redesign fees

We will change your page(s) anytime you desire. Just call or email with the desired changes. Great for special offers, sales, and/or new services and products. We offer the most reasonable editing fee we have ever seen.


We can convert your company brochure, information packet, or other information into a web site or you can tell us EXACTLY what you would like on your web site.

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