Observation #1: Field notes (Nonparticipant Observation)
Data: 02-14-01
Site: ASU-Newport SGA Meeting
(North-end, Student Center, noon)
Girl called meeting to order - minutes are called for from previous meeting. Girl next to girl who called meeting to order read previous minutes. Others appeared to be listening while they were eating- couple of people whispered quietly for a few seconds during reading.
First girl called for treasury report- Treasure wasn't here so sponsor read the status of finances of club. First girl asked for old business then called for the results of officers which was answered by sponsor.
First said we need to decide on new meeting time. Man asked if we needed new time or new day. First said "it doesn't matter." Discussion followed about date and time. It was decided to meet every 2 weeks and voted on (all in favor).
Man began discussing the dance. First said she needed everyone on the sub-committee to get her results of their committee. Man asked the date of dance and sponsor told him. Man said we should move the dance a week later. Motion was made to move date up week and seconded (vote-all approved).
Man began talking about the music for dance. He said he had gotten a DJ. Discussion followed on payment (purchase order). First girl said that she went to Golden Grotto for decorations but said they had nothing.
First girl announced that officers would travel to Jonesboro to visit with the SGA (ASU-Jonesboro). Sponsor gave directions about trip and said SGA-Jonesboro will help us move to more of a governmental organization so we could be recommended by ASU board of trustees. It was mentioned that SGA officers in Jonesboro got paid. The other sponsor said that is what we are working on.
The first girl called for other old business--none.
The first girl called for new business and she said we need to work on creating a brochure for SGA. The first girl asked who would like to do the brochure.
Man asked who will be fixing our web page and the first sponsor said that we will now be allowed to edit our web page ourselves using her computer. The second sponsor suggested that we look at Jonesboro's web page.
The first girl mentioned that we are trying to get an ATM machine. She said we need to get someone to check into it. Girl who read the minutes volunteered to check into it.
Sponsor announced that faculty have committees that need students to be on them--asked for SGA members to help with this.
Sponsor said she would email SGA members a list of committees they can let her know what committee they want to serve on.
The first girl announced that we need to set a training date for officers and soon as possible. Discussion followed to choose date and time and SGA members choose Thursday at 4:30 PM.
The first girl suggested setting up SGA booth at registration. Several people agreed it was a good idea.
First girl -- New business -- Nobody. Meeting adjourned by first girl.