Observation #2: Field notes (Nonparticipant Observation)
Data: 03-07-01
Site: ASU-Newport SGA Meeting
(North-end, Student Center, noon)
Meeting was not called to order officially (not enough people).
Leader discussed dance-said that Golden Grotto didn't have any decorations we could use. Asked how everyone was doing with door prizes. Girl said she asked about authorization for prizes and said that she had talked to a lady at Hardee's and she said that she needs to get back with her and get certificates. sponsor said that group needs to get the door prizes ready. President said that we need to contact the disk jockey and tell him when to get here. Sponsor said that she would be here to let him in and tell him where to set up.
President asked what fundraiser we need to do. Sponsor said she was checking on a St. Jude fundraiser. President said that immediately following the dance we need to concentrate on a fundraiser. Sponsor said we have to have at least one fundraiser per year.
President asked if the girl had checked on the ATM machines. She said that she had called and been given other numbers and had not called yet.
President asked if anyone has come up with ideas for the website. A girl said that one of the other girls (not in attendance) had been working on it but no one knew if she was still attending.
President asked about old business then asked about new business. A boy said that he had went to Wal-Mart and found a photo album that he needs for his job as Historian -- They needed more people in attendance to vote.
President said that they needed to meet before the next semester and re-write the constitution. The president said he had additional ideas: (a) Clean and green- get together and promote a clean campus. Be able to get out, have fun, and clean the campus up, (b) Fun retreat for officers and students (maybe canoeing) -- Show they are not all about government only, (c) Additional fundraisers including holding an event such as a choir/concert, (d) Student Activity fee -- Everyone else does it an he thinks we should, (e) SpringFest (April 27th) need to start working on getting things ready (sports help, softball team-students, theme, advertising, food)
The President called for other business and no one responded. Everyone left the meeting while talking with each other.