Course Project Data Observation #2

Data:  03-07-01
Site:  ASU-Newport SGA Meeting
(North-end, Student Center, noon)

    Students and sponsors came into the meeting room one by one or in pairs.  Everyone set at a seat at one of the tables which were in a "U" formation.  The President asked the sponsor if there was enough in attendance to have an official meeting.  She counted and said that there was not.  The president said that they could still meet and discuss issues without doing any official business.

    The leader then began discussing the dance that was to be held the next weekend.  He said that the Golden Grotto did not have the kind of decorations that they were looking for.  One of the girls said that they had some decorations already and the sponsor said that they had enough but needed the members to begin decorating the room.  The president asked how everyone was doing in their attempts to get door prizes.  A girl said that she had asked about authorization and taken her letter of representation to Hardee's and talked to a lady there.  She said that she needs to get back with her and get certificates that she said Hardee's would donate.  The sponsor said that the group needs to get all the door prizes and get them ready to give away.  The President said that they needed to contact the disk jockey and let him know when to get there.  The disk jockey had said that he would like to be there at least one hour early to set up.  The sponsor shad that she was not going home on that Friday and would be here to let him in when he got here and would also show him where to set up his equipment.  

    The president asked what fundraiser the members wanted to do this semester.  When no one responded the sponsor said that she was checking on a St. Jude fundraiser but was currently unable to get into contact with anyone at St. Jude's that could help her with the information.  The president said that the SGA needed to concentrate on a fundraiser immediately following the dance because they had not yet had one this year.  The sponsor told everyone that the SGA is required by it's constitution to have at least one fundraiser per year.    

    The president asked a girl who was sitting beside him if she had checked on bringing an ATM machine to campus.  She said that she had called and had been given other numbers to call for information.  She said that she had not yet called those numbers because she really did not know what information to ask for.  The sponsor told her to just tell them that we are interested in getting an ATM machine on campus and would appreciate any information that may help us accomplish this.  The girl said that she would call these numbers and try to get that information.

    The president asked if anyone had come up with ideas for the website.  A girl said that one of the other girls who was not in attendance had been working on it.  Someone said that they didn't think she was still attending school.  The president asked if they could be shown how to use a program that would allow them to all come up with pages and then select the one they liked best.  The sponsor told them she would check on it.

The president asked if there was any other old business and no one responded.  The president asked if there was any new business and a boy responded.  He said that he had gone to Wal-Mart with the sponsor and found a photo album that he needed for his job as Historian for the SGA.  The president said that they could not vote on it today because there were not enough members present but they would deal with it at the next meeting when there would probably be enough to vote.  

    The president said that they needed to meet before the next semester and re-write the constitution.  He said that there were numerous amendments to it and that it could be better if it could be re-written to reflect those amendments as well as the new name, SGA.

    The president said that he had a number of additional ideas.  First he stated that he wanted to do a "Clean and Green" which was an opportunity to get together and promote a clean campus.  He said that the SGA would be able to get out, have some fun, and clean the campus up.  He also indicated his desire for the SGA to plan a fun retreat for officers and students on campus.  He said that maybe they could go canoeing or something.  One of the objectives for this is to show that SGA is not all about government only.  The president also mentioned that he wanted to look at doing additional fundraisers.  He listed for example holding a choir concert which they would charge admission to.  He also mentioned that he believed our campus should charge an student activity fee.  He said that everyone else is doing it and if we did it could provide revenue for SGA.  He also suggested the members begin working on getting things ready for springfest which would occur on April 27th.  Some of the things the SGA will help with are sports equipment, putting together a student softball team, developing a theme for spirngfest, advertising, and ordering food for the event.

The president called for other business and no one responded.  He then thanked everyone for coming and everyone left the meeting while talking with each other.

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