Reflections #2


Reflections on Presentations

Enlightened Leadership

By: Mike Rippy

Upon reflection on Mike's presentation, Enlightened Leadership, I noticed that the information presented was similar to and seemed to compliment the presentation I will be doing on Leading at the Edge of Chaos.  Several of the premises are the same including the emphasis on human issues, the resistance of individuals to change, and the need to prepare employees for change efforts.


I believe that it is important to focus on human issues as well as other issues within the organizations.  However, without a healthy human society within the institution, that institution will suffer in terms of success.  For example, if employees are unhappy and do not feel that they are valued, they will be less inclined to take risks which lead to change.


It is in the nature of human individuals and groups to resist change.  This is because it is comfortable for us to remain in situations which we are used to.  I believe that we must prepare people within our organizations for the process of change.  If individuals know about and understand a change effort, they are more likely to support it through encouragement and dedication to the new process they will encounter.
