Weekly Journal 10-03-00

Allen Mooneyhan

Section 1:  Preparation for class

Beck & Cowan discuss the concepts of the "pendulum swing" in Spiral Dynamics.  It has been said that theories and policies swing back and forth at about 30 year time spans.  This means that society "swings" back and forth revisiting theories and policies that were investigated years previously on an ongoing basis.  It is suggested in Spiral Dynamics that a more accurate account of what happens today is represented by the "spiral".  According to this concept, society does revisit theories and policies investigated previously but on a different level.  Therefore, although we take additional looks at previously attempted policies, we do so with an additional degree of understanding and insight.  Furthermore, in our ever-changing world specific situations are ever-changing, thus supporting the concept of spiral dynamics.

Section 2:  Reflections

The concept of "spiral dynamics" is used in place of the "pendulum swing" in the book Spiral Dynamics indicating that we come full-circle but at a different level.  Therefore, if we are to spiral to a point to where we have reached the optimum means for organizational function:


Section 3:  Applications

In reflecting on how I might apply the concept of "spiral dynamics" to my work, I considered the attitude many of us have when confronted  with a "new" program which we recognize by another "old" name.  We often "write it off" without giving it a chance because we have already tried it.  Rather than taking this attitude I will attempt to realize that I may not be revisiting the same problematic situation.  Therefore, this program could have a positive effect at this new level.  This attitude may motivate me to remain open-minded even about those things I do not believe will be effective.

Section 4:  "Light Bulb Moments?"

I believe a "light bulb moment" for me was realizing I may be limiting my potential with my attitude.  Rather than seeing the spiral aspect of organizational operation, I was looking at things on a linear plane.  Confronting this behavior may allow me to re-open my mind to new solutions I never know it was closed to.

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