Chapter 3 -- Spiral
Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change
The Mind of the Spiral
Living Systems-Within
Each major societal upheaval has spawned a different view of life itself.
A living intelligence is at work, carried in both our genetic DNA and our
Memetic DNA.
Seven principles describe this core intelligence of the spiral:
- Humans possess the capacity to create new memes
- Humans possess within themselves the capacity to exist at different
levels of psychological development and even add a new level.
- The variability in levels of existence underlines our capacity to
escape the tyranny of lethargic genes.
- For the process of an open systems, awakening brain to function within
us, three conditions must be met:
- A set of instructions, probably encoded in our DNA, that equip us
to awaken new systems which add to or even replace old ones
- Dynamic forces generated in both nature and nurture that trigger
specific systems
- The capacity of the human brain to house a number of subsystems,
all at the same time, with some active and others relatively passive
- Life Conditions awaken Memes which may emerge, surge, regress, or fade in
- Memes are a product of the interaction of the equipment in our nervous
system with the Life Conditions we face
- There are four important aspects of these Life Conditions:
- Times- Location along the overall line of human development
- Place- The physical conditions, both natural and man-made ecology,
within the perception of the individual or group
- Problems- Priorities, needs, concerns, and requirements for
existence facing a particular individual or group
- Circumstance- Individual, group, and cultural placement within
hierarchies of power, status, and influence
- Memes zig-zag between Express-self and Sacrifice-self themes
- The overall spiral is forged by the pendulum-like shift between a
focus on "me" and concerns with "we".
- Individuals and societies tend to tilt from one magnet-like pole to
the other.
- Memes emerge along the Spiral in a wave-like fashion
- Awakenings along the spiral occur after pressure builds up leading to
a spurt to the next system.
- although the shift may appear to be sudden and chaotic, undetected
movement is occurring beneath the surface all along.
- The active life of a meme has three phases:
- Entering
- Peak
- Exiting
- Memes spiral up an down through levels of complexity
- The emergence along the spiral is from lesser to greater complexity.
- Appropriateness of meme is a mater of perspective.
- In terms of Spiral Dynamics, the overall flow has four
- Expansion of psychological space- toward more multifaceted
- Expansion of conceptual space- toward bigger picture views,
wider span of influence, and extended time frames
- A progressive increase of alternatives- toward more choices
to make from a broader menu of ways to do a thing
- A progressive increase in degrees of behavioral freedom-
toward more possibilities in terms of how to be, ways to display
emotions, acceptable kinds of human interrelationships
- Memes coexist within our "onion"-like profiles
- If we were to slice a transparent human spiral from the top of the
funnel down to the tip, we would see an asymmetrical, onion-like profile
of memes.
- This form would display the relative strength of each colored layer
regarding specific issues.
- Memes cluster in Tiers of Six along the Spiral
- Memes live most happily in groups of six.
- Graves' theory is the only framework which puts both the entire
developing flow and the impetus behind the process into perspective.
- It is open-ended because the human Spiral is only beginning.
- Significant differences between the First and Second Tiers include a
marked increase in conceptual space, dropping away of compulsion, and
ability to learn a great deal from many sources, and a trend toward
getting much more done with much less energy or resources.
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Personal notes on reading from :
Beck, D.E. & Cowan, C.C. Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values,
Leadership, and Change.