Stewardship Chapter 2
Choosing Partnership over Patriarchy

Patriarchy's fundamental belief is that in order to organize effort toward a common goal the people from top to bottom need to give much of their attention to maintaining control, consistency, and predictability.

Control means that there is a clear line of authority.

Consistency means that we need a common way of managing ourselves across the organization.

Predictability indicates that if you cannot define outcomes in advance and cannot measure the outcomes, you cannot proceed.

The ideas of stewardship, empowerment, and partnership are useful because they clearly carry within them the intention of doing something about the distribution of power.

The principles of stewardship bring accountability into each act of governance and partnership balances responsibility.

Partnership means to be connected to another in a way that the power between us is roughly balanced.

Four requirements needed to have a real partnership:

  1. Exchange of purpose
  2. Right to say no
  3. Joint accountability
  4. Absolute honesty

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Personal notes on reading from :

Block P.  Stewardship:  Choosing service over self interest.