
    This portion of the portfolio deals with the doctoral theme, Organizations.  Most of us will function in some capacity within an organization in putting to use the learning we have received in cohort IX.  There are many characteristics of organizations which we must deal with while serving in a leadership capacity.  These characteristics make up the culture of an organization which must be dealt with by those serving as leaders in a specific institution. 

    Below is a list of links to information which I have experienced as part of cohort IX that is relative to this theme.  Additionally, there is a brief description of each link indicating what one will see when that link is clicked.  Links are provided at the bottom of the page to provide for easier navigation throughout this portfolio.

Images of Organizations This text discusses organizations including the effect of the scientific revolution, organizational life cycles, and transformations.
Cultural Themes This activity required students to choose a cultural theme and evaluate its impact on organizations.  The theme chosen was scientific reductionism.
Movie Critique This assignment utilized popular movies concerning education to focus students' attention on various organizations and how the organizational culture facilitated conformity.
Arkansas Two-year College Curriculum Requirements This report details what curriculum the Arkansas State Department of Education requires of two year colleges.  This state organization restricts local organizations concerning what they may provide within their curriculum.

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